Children running in the museum park
Photo: Jens Mohr, Tumba Paper Mill Museum/SHM.
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School Holidays

We have activities for children accompanied by adults during each school holiday (school break). Information on what is happening at the museum will be made available a few weeks before each holiday.


The café is temporarily closed at the moment. If you are interested in becoming a supplier, please contact the operations manager, Elin Ekeroth Kjellgren, at

Climb aboard the fire engine

A popular family activity is to climb aboard the fire engine in the Spruthuset firehouse. Spruthuset was built in 1926 to serve as the mill's fire station. It houses fire engines, helmets and other equipment.

Children climbing into a firetruck.
Photo: Jens Mohr, Tumba Paper Mill Museum/SHM.

Restaurant and café closed

Brukscaféet is temporarily closed at the moment. If you are interested in becoming a supplier, please contact the operations manager, Elin Ekeroth Kjellgren, at

A family eating in the café
Photo: Ola Myrin, Tumba Paper Mill Museum/SHM.

Discover the exhibitions

The museum has lots of exciting things for children and families to discover, both indoors and outdoors. Our exhibitions are easy to visit with children – there's plenty to see at just the right height for them. Visit the old school room or peek inside the old fire station.

Overview of an exhibition room
Photo: Erik Lernestål, Tumba Paper Mill Museum/SHM.