Museum Shop
Our assortment includes Swedish products made in a traditional way. The shop also has some small items for children. We are happy to help you find gifts for christenings, graduations, weddings, baby showers and other celebrations among our assortment. Feel free to ask our knowledgeable staff for assistance!
Opening hours and contact details
The shop is located in the main entrance of the museum, in the Oxhuset building. You do not have to visit the museum's exhibitions to browse the items in our shop, but we would certainly recommend it as admission is free of charge. At the moment, we do not have a webshop. All of our items are purchased on site in our physical shop. We can ship items (extra charge for shipping).
The shop has the same opening hours as the museum.
We accept cash, credit/debit cards (not Amex) and Swish. We invoice for companies.
Products from Crane & Co
Crane & Co was originally an American family company that made both banknote paper and fine paper, in the same way that Tumba Paper Mill has done for a long time. In our shop, we offer a small range of quality stationery and correspondence cards from Crane & Co.
Locally produced honey
Would you like to taste honey produced at Tumba Paper Mill Museum? Our bees, who live behind the museum's main building, make honey that we sell at the museum when it is in season. The supply is limited, so feel free to contact the museum to check whether we have any honey available for sale or if you have any questions.
Who runs the shop?
Tumba Paper Mill Museum is part of the National Historical Museums. All proceeds from the museum shop and the café go to Tumba Paper Mill Museum activities.
Visit the National Historical Museums website
Order stationery and paper products
We accept orders for personalised cards/stationery for celebrations such as weddings, christenings and parties. These are made by hand at the museum. Take the opportunity to have your name/company logo watermarked on the invitation card.