Visit Us

Tumba Paper Mill Museum is a museum with a shop located in the south of Stockholm, in Botkyrka Municipality, a short distance from Tumba town centre. The museum tells the story of Sweden's banknote history and the people who lived and worked at Tumba Paper Mill. Free admission!
Museum buildings surrounded by greenery

Film about Tumba Paper Mill Museum. Film: Jens Mohr, Tumba bruksmuseum/SHM.

Museum shop

Visit our cosy little museum shop, we sell our own handmade paper, other paper products, honey, postcards, books and more.

Produkter från butiken, en kökshandduk, levande ljus och en tvål.
Photo: Jens Mohr, Tumba bruksmuseum/SHM.

Visit the museum online

Enjoy Tumba Paper Mill Museum's exciting stories wherever you are.

Närbild på en cappuccino
Photo: Shutterstock